I tore my meniscus and it really fucked me up

an expression by CAMPBELL HARVEY

So to start off, no I wasn't fucking in the bed. You'll learn a lot about me but the first thing you need to know is I wasn't doing the do when I hurt my knee. How did I hurt my knee, and why would I start my piece that way? Well I was in bed one night, I rolled over and my knee exploded. That is all I know. It was under the covers, I felt so much pain in my knee in one second that I just screamed and cried and my leg was stuck in a straight leg under the bed. I first thought it was a charlie horse or something but like my knee blew up. When I called my brother and dad they both felt it was almost impossible that my knee got hurt that way and explaining didn't help. My knee just broke in bed.

When I got to the hospital I was there until like 9am with no sleep, the x-rays showed nothing. No break, no fracture, nothing. I was pissed because like why did I even go to the hospital if they were going to tell me there was nothing wrong and I couldn't move my leg or walk. I got an appointment for a specialist two days later and my mom drove cross country to take care of me. I was terrified of surgery because I hate going under. I always wake up with the fear like I just died or was on the verge. Also I had no health insurance, kinda. My health insurance ran out on August 30th, and surgery was September 1st. So I used my dad's insurance because ya boy was still 24. The only problem is none of the deductible had been met, so my surgery was $5000 and MRI was $700.

I had surgery that Friday and quickly realized how fucked my life was. No driving till October, no job till spring semester, and no athletics or regular activities for a while. I still have fears it will re-tear, I sleep in bed with a pillow between my legs because I don't wanna roll the wrong way.

To this day I am just recovering from that. I have like thousands in hospital bills, late credit card bills, my car is constantly breaking down. It is ass. I honestly thought this year was going to be my best and 24 taught me that I am always wrong. I guess working on this mag has been therapeutic but like I am writing this on my last day of 24. To be honest I haven't really been able to express my thoughts on things that impact my life so negatively because why? I have already hit rock bottom before and I truly hate feeling that way any more than I have to, so why force it?